That was great
I love how she loses her power ups. And the whole you need them to get through this door thing was sweet too. You nail the whole game right one th head.
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That was great
I love how she loses her power ups. And the whole you need them to get through this door thing was sweet too. You nail the whole game right one th head.
Thanks, nice you enjoyed.
I rather enjoyed that. It is for that reason I don't watch YouTube, but I do blog.
I truely feel YouTube would be a much better place if the inempt (I/m not saying I'm any better) section of the video blogger scene would stay away. Half of them you can't even make out because they either talk to loud or too low so no one else in the house can hear them.
For 2 days worth of work it was good. No Retarted Animal Babies but worth a view.
Don't you mean "No Retarded Animal Babies and therefore worth a view." ;)
No offense toward, Dave. I'm just not one of those people that cracks up upon hearing genitals mentioned.
Thanks for the review.
I Left My Burrito In The Microwave
That was the most retarted thing I have ever seen. The faces on the characters were nuts. It reminded me of a really bad anime, somthing around the lines of Pokemon. The fact that it is drawn the way it is adds to the hilarity. No just add a bunch of Transition effects and we have another offical Geroge Lucas film.
lol ellipse fade
Well, yes it was pointless, but only because there was no story behind it, but then again there isn't much of a story behind resident evil either. I must admit it was fairly well put together. It is nice to see a sprite movie that doesnt revolve around mario. Good job but your potential as an artist is far better than you think. My reciomendation would be to ditch the sprites and try making it hand drawn... but that would take a lot of time and if you are lazy like me sprites are the way of the future.
THanks, I took on board what you said an hour ago & I'm working on some hand made stuff now (does tracing over googled images count?), its hard work you're right, especially since I have a little of the shakes from staying up late and smoking a ton.
Anyway thanks, I'll try my hand at sprites again someday!
Sven Is Bleeding From The Head.... HUZZAH
I liked it, it's nice to see funny shit on the front page. Believe it or not I think the animation goes well with the cartoon and it was just the right length... But what was up with the crappy grammar?
Crappy grammar is fun.
I actually have a BA in English, so don't think I really talk like that, haha.
It rules!!!!
The movie was awsome, it can only get better from here. Just one beef i have is your cedits are wrong. I noticed you have 2 songs in there, in particualr the song that is played in the church sceen and the song played when Raph meets shredder. The 2 songs are from Xenosaga not Xenogears, and the church song is called Sancuary and the song with Shredder is Albedo's theme. If you dont want to give credit to the game at least give it to the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Thats my only beef, if you dont want to change it thant thats your dicision, just thought i would let you know.
Keep it up, Der Wille zur Macht
hey mon, yeah i didnt update all the credits properly. sorry i will fix that though, thx.
Snow, Snow and more snow is all that will happen for the most part until summer where i live. All the more reason to watch movies on NG!
Age 40, Male
Glace Bay, NS
Joined on 2/12/02